Paddled out at around 3:00, with Chris M. and Joel S. Tide was just coming off of a -1.6 low at 2:50. Conditions were pretty clean, with little to no winds. Torrey Pines Outer Buoy was reporting Significant Wave Height of 6.4' from 247° at 11.5s. Conditions were surprisingly clean based upon the storm that had rolled through the night before. The peaks were shifting all around, and you basically had to wait until they were about to break right on you in order to be able to catch them. In general we had a decent session, minus the brief run in we had with these two guys who thought they owned the place. I think Chris had fun riding my 5'10" KG Twinzer Fish. Waves were head high with occasional pluses. Water was still chilly. I wore my 4/3 and booties. Board ridden: 5'11" Xanadu Pig 2.
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