Paddled out at 7:00am, with Chris M.. Tide was pushing to a 5.3' high at 10:52am. Conditions were clean, with little to no winds. Oceanside Buoy was reporting Significant Wave Height of 4.5' from 191° at 18s. Today was almost a repeat of yesterday, only slightly smaller and the bigger sets were fewer and farther between. Still mostly lefts, but better rights than Sat. Strong northbound current. Still some barrels to be had. Unfortunately I got tangled up with a guy when I was taking of on a bigger right (he was paddling out, and I got blasted into him when dropping in) so that was a big bummer. Waves were solid head high +. Water was nice in my trunks and long sleeve surf jacket. Board ridden: 5'8" Xanadu Pig 2.
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